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Appendix V

1 - Sessional Employees Are Excluded

The terms of this Appendix relate to persons employed on a sessional basis. Sessional employees are excluded from the bargaining unit.

2 - Full-Time Employee On A Sessional Basis

A sessional employee is defined as a full-time employee appointed on a sessional basis for up to 12 full months of continuous or non-continuous accumulated employment in a 24 calendar month period. Such sessional employee may be released upon two weeks’ written notice and shall resign by giving two weeks’ written notice.

3 - Determining Employment Periods

In determining the employment and calendar periods under paragraph 2 of this Appendix, only the period after January 1, 1976, shall be considered and no prior employment or calendar period shall be taken into account. Also, an employee’s continuous service acquired in accordance with the provisions of the previous Agreement, dated September 17, 1975, as at August 31, 1976, for the period back to January 1, 1976, shall count as continuous employment or months of non-continuous accumulated employment for the purpose of such paragraph.

A calendar month in which the employee completes 15 or more days worked shall be considered a “full month”.

If an employee completes less than 15 days worked in each of the calendar months at the start and end of the employee’s period of employment and such days worked, when added together, exceed 15 days worked, an additional full month shall be considered to be completed.

4 - Employment for more than 12 months

If a sessional employee is continued in employment for more than the period set out in paragraph 2 of this Appendix, such an employee will be thereafter covered by the other provisions of the Agreement. Such an employee’s probationary period shall be 12 full months of continuous or non-continuous accumulated employment during the immediately following 24 calendar month period.

5 - Replacing a Full-Time Regular Employee

A person assigned to replace a full-time regular employee for up to 14 working days for unplanned absences in any month shall not have such period(s) considered as sessional employment for the purpose of the computation of the 12 months sessional employment. During such periods such a person shall be paid as if partial-load and within the range of partial-load hourly rates as set out in Article 26, Partial-Load Employees.

6 - Union Request for Appointment Rationale

Pursuant to 7.02 Union/College Committee (Local), if requested by the Union Local, the rationale for a sessional appointment by the College shall be subject of discussion.

7 - Union College Committee Representations

Pursuant to 7.02 Union/College Committee (Local), if requested by the Union Local, the College shall explain its rationale for its application of Article 2, Staffing, or 27.05 (iii). In particular, it will consider any representations which the Union Local may make with respect to the assigning of work on a full-time or a sessional, partial-load or part-time basis, and with respect to the feasability of assigning work on a full-time basis rather than on a sessional, partial-load or part-time basis.

8 - Other Matters Referred to E.E.R.C.

Other matters concerning the use of sessional appointments may be referred to the E.E.R.C. which shall deal with these matters as priority items as set out in 9.03.