PLEASE NOTE: Although every effort has been made to ensure the posted information is accurate and up-to-date, consult your printed copy of the Collective Agreement or Benefits Booklet before taking any action. All external links open in a new tab.
Article 27
27.11 A - Vacancies Posted for 5 Working Days
Notice will be posted in the College of all vacancies of full-time positions in the bargaining unit. Such notice will be posted for at least five working days. At the same time, notice of these vacancies will be sent to the Union Local President and shall be forwarded to the electronic Central Registry, maintained by the Council, where the notice shall remain posted for at least five working days.
College Central Registry Website
27.11 B - Consideration for Full-Time & Partial-Load Employees
Where a vacancy of a full-time position in the bargaining unit occurs consideration shall first be given to full-time and current partial-load employees or persons who have been partial-load employees within four (4) months prior to the posting. These applicants shall be considered internal applicants.
If the vacancy is not filled internally, the College will give consideration to applications received from academic employees laid off at other Colleges before giving consideration to other external applicants. Such consideration shall be given for up to and including ten working days from the date of posting as described in 27.11 A.
Consideration will include review of the competence, skill and experience of the applicants in relation to the requirements of the vacant position.